Monday, July 26, 2010

What Is 350?

Does the number 350 sound familiar ?Does it make you sad or create tension within you? Or does it sound normal?Chances are many individuals and you do not know the significance of this number. 350 is the number for parts per million of CO2 that our planet needs to be at to create atmospheric balance. This is the safe number that our earth should be at, but it is much higher than that. Currently, the amount of CO2 that we produce is 392.04. We ( the humans) are risking everything because we increase arctic warming which risks that our planet will reach the "tipping point" and all climates and weather patterns will change.

Until 200 years ago, the planet stayed at 275 parts per million.Ever since we have been in a industrial era things like coal, gas, oil and other chemicals have changed the chemistry of carbon dioxide on our planet. This created a lot of energy and goods but released lots of greenhouse gasses ( which are gasses in the atmosphere that absorb radiation within a thermal range) and the amount of carbon. 350 is the safe number that our planet needs to be at. A lot of activism help is needed to spread this message and educate others about a very important issue. There are lots of things you, as an individual can do to help 350.0rg

This is a link to the website's " people" section. Please copy/ paste it.

Bill McKibben is the founder of 350.0rg and an environmental and philosophy writer. I had the pleasure of hearing him speak in Boulder this spring. It is amazing to see such passion, realness and the greatness of a writer talk about an issue that is so dear to his spirit. I really enjoyed listening to him and I suggest that everyone reads " The End Of Nature" and "The Age of Missing Information" and "eaarth".
Here is the homepage of the website,, for more information,education and details on how to become involved and take action!

Thanks for reading!

Student Staff
Center for Urban Connections

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